The Big Chop

There comes a time in every womans life when she knows it's time for a change.  There's a subtle and discernible shift in the air around your brain where everything starts to look off.  My time came during our church fast in January.  Fasts are great times to confront LOTS of things, such as our cravings, our shortcomings and the dross that clutters up our lives.  Funny thing, my hair started feeling like part of the clutter.  On a hot day, there it was suffocating and clingy. While cleaning and cooking? There it was hanging all over the place.  Falling into my food while eating? All too common.  Then there were the constant comments and apparently hard to control urges to touch my hair by stranger after grabby stranger (without permission of course).  I started feeling like my hair could have hosted its own Facebook page and been waaaay more popular than me!  So my white roots started growing out but I had no particular plan in mind for the new growth.  Styling my hair with so much virgin new fuzz was a challenge--I got really good at the Japanese style top knot😣.  Funny thing; one of my wellness team members accused me of being  'hair lazy' by not re-twisting it!  The nerve!! I was like, 'people are getting frisky with me about MY hair!!'  So, I cut it all off.  And I colored it an outrageous purple.  And its spongy curly.  And my husband thinks I'm the new spicy chica on the block that he can't take his eyes off.  And I really like the change.  When you see me dear reader,  I hope I remind you that change is scary and unpredictable and good all at the same time.


  1. Omggg 🔥🔥🔥💜💜💜

  2. I'm not sure that anything could make you anything but gorgeous. I love it. It looks easy and free.

    1. It's funny but I have to get the makeup just right now. lol Oh, and the earrings.

  3. Gorgeous!!!! I'm contemplating chopping mine!

    1. Sit with it for a minute...but if you just can't get your mind off of the "big chop" then, do it! For me, it got to the point that I couldn't wait to get to the salon for my cut. You'll know when the time is right.

  4. Your hair is. Sharp beautiful just like you. Fabulous

    1. Thanks Brenda. Let me know when you go blue. I just might join you.

  5. You are beautiful either way! My change was to stop cutting after the love of my life commented offhandedly three months ago, “I like your hair that way”. Nuff said. Hint taken.😻


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