KonMari works

It seems like the next step in the evolution of change is organizing...something.  The victim this time? My poor little closet.  I needed inspiration and Pinterest wasn't gonna do it.  I had to dig deeper.  Have you checked out Marie Kondo on Netflix? Well, I binge watched all 7 or so episodes and I've got to say, she is so stinking cute!  Mari is this lovely diminutive mom and wife from Japan who has a unique way of getting things in your home organized.  She works by specific categories and clothing is a distinct area that seemed to cause most of her customers a LOT of trouble.  Why oh why do we attach soooo much emotional energy to clothing?!  The Bible clearly states we should not be concerned about our raiment (or clothing) and that we should be willing to give up our cloak if asked.  So, again I ask, why is purging so hard really?  Space should be a delimiting factor as to how many articles of clothing we own.  But, it isn't.  Disposable income should limit how much we can afford to buy. It doesn't.  Clothing seems to do what we sometimes use food for--act as a substitute for raw emotions we are having difficulty dealing with.  Mari Kondo doesn't approach purging by asking us to confront those scary emotions though ala Hoarders.  She simply asks us to make sure each item we keep sparks JOY.  If you haven't been in touch with your joy in awhile I'm guessing it most likely doesn't have much to do with clothing.   But, OK, say it does.  There isn't a proportional relationship between how much you have and how happy your are.  It may be that there is really an inverse relationship but who am I to judge?  I ALREADY HAVE TOO MANY CLOTHES!!  So, I am using aspects of the KonMari method to at least better organize those items I really do like.  The process involves, gasp, pulling ALL of your clothing out of your closet so you can see the mountain that is your life.  It is overwhelming to say the least and my breath got a bit short looking at it all.
But I managed not to panic.  I touched each item to see if it still made me happy.  The items that did not?  I thanked God that He let me have them then, off to Salvation Army for someone else to enjoy.  About four hours and two large garbage bags later, I ended up with STILL TOO MANY CLOTHES! but a better scheme for being able to find and therefore wear more of what I own.  Which is huge for me because if I have to dig or search for it I will give up on it. Period, full stop.  Here is the finished product: Shoes all on one side; purses and bags on the other, workout clothes and wraps in the middle. Tops and bottoms in the front on opposite sides of each other; dresses, lounge wear and jackets in the back.  Formal wear WAY in the back.  A small chest for undies, daily sleep wear, socks and misc.  Jewelry in hanging jewelry bags.   Dear reader, it was well worth the effort for the calm it introduced and for the discipline it will engender to maintain it.  

Next days outfit ready to go
Purses up top. Large bags on bottom

Tops then dresses then coats then pants


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