OK. I need a sound off so I'm starting a poll. How many Moms ever felt awkward taking their young sons to the women's restroom? Seriously, was it ever weird and at what age did it get REALLY weird? Dads, did you ever have to take your young daughters to the mens room? How exactly did you handle that awkward moment or, if you managed to avoid it, how did you make that happen? I'm not sure exactly what year family restrooms were introduced but I'd like to give that woman a medal!! For real. You get mean mugged out of enough mens rooms and you come to know what an OASIS a family restroom is.
When Dad was mobile, I spent many an anxious moment stationed outside of the mens room door making sure he was safe. I really had no shame. If I felt like he was gone a little too long out of my eyesight I would boldly open the door and ask in an extremely loud voice, "hey Dad! You OK?" Maybe it was the nurse in me but I really felt like safety trumped personal feelings.😉😉 As time progressed and his mobility regressed I took it upon myself to take him into the mens handicapped stall myself. It looked as crazy as it sounds but you do what you have to do. Why it never occurred to me to take him into the womens handicapped stall I do not know. Would other women commiserate with me like I do with Moms and their boy toddlers? I'm not sure... I haven't tested it out...yet. I think it's more about how Dad might feel than what the women might think. So, it seems like somebodies feelings are always going to take a back seat to someone elses. That is the world we live in and we do the best we can in the moment. My advice today? Charge on caregivers without guilt and do what seems right to you at the time. Ask for forgiveness as you go and keep it moving *NOTHING TO SEE HERE*. Men, if you have to take your Mom into the ladies handicap stall, just ignore the glares you might get. Just saying. And lets all ask for family restroom accommodations in the places we frequent. Because you never know when you will be the one in need.

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