I need your help here dear reader as I am just now really embracing the role of disability advocate. I would like your ideas and suggestions for ways you have helped those with mobility issues receive better treatment and attention. Dad's dependence on a full-sized wheelchair is a relatively recent development; one we are all, quite frankly, still getting used to. It's funny how accessibility isn't an issue until it is. I notice things like ramps on street corners, seating arrangements in restaurants, bathroom layouts, even handicap parking placements at the Mall and I must say, some situations leave me scratching my head. I am starting to speak up more and more out of shear necessity. The days I travel alone with Dad are the most challenging. I'm constantly asking myself, 'is there a safe place for me to drop him off if I can't park nearby?; Are there family style bathrooms to minimize embarrassment?; Will there be companion seating where the handicap seating is available?' I've just prayerfully begun a campaign at our church for two short rows of handicapped seating. We are a relatively young and mobile congregation but of course I notice the elders or disabled in wheelchairs or with walkers who sometimes find it difficult to sit and not feel in the way of others. Would more people with disabilities attend if they knew they had hassle free seating available? Not sure, but I have no doubt that our leadership will see the benefits of a designated area when the time is right. We were pleasantly surprised recently when we discovered that St. Augustine offers free parking in its historic garage for those who have handicap placards.
Accessible curbs in St. Augustine |
What a smart and forward thinking gesture on the part of America's oldest city! So, sound off. Where have you been especially frustrated or wonderfully surprised by the handicap accommodations? How have you spoken up as an advocate for yourself or for someone you love? What were the results? This is a great opportunity for us to share information that will benefit someone else. Advocate oh Advocate, feel free to leave you comments below.
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