Me, Myself, and I

I have been trying to take better care of myself lately and surprise, surprise, I've been succeeding.  I think it's one of those things where you take your eyes off the ball for a season and the ball balloons up from a tennis to a basketball! Lol.  Seriously though, I think some of us are better wired to effortlessly juggle multiple responsibilities;  I didn't get that wiring.  It's the ability we all seek in life but unfortunately strive too hard to achieve.  And striving tends to be futile and unbecoming.  As a caregiver I've found that it was all too easy to make excuses about taking good care of my temple.  I could recite Romans 12:1 easily and part of me wanted to be that acceptable sacrifice.  But another self-serving part of me wanted to wallow in the seemingly overwhelming desire to stuff my feelings of frustration and fear down with food.  I just couldn't seem to get 'it' ALL done?   I can remember recently sitting in the doctors office crying about being fat and feeling overwhelmed.  I lamented to the doctor, "you just don't understand what I'm going through, waaah!" I wasn't handling life; life was handling me.  Blah, blah blah.  Truth is, I had no goals, no routine. no vision for myself.   And I hadn't yet gone to the One who DID understand-everything!! I knew all there was to know about the comings and goings of my Dad and his care but I was summarily ignoring what was happening to ME.  My husband was getting leftover pieces and parts (kinda like chicken McNuggets.  They LOOK and TASTE like chicken, but we all know--that's just scrap heap chicken parts smashed together).  I was drowning and I didn't think I could even find a life preserver. It took this years church fast to reorient my mind and heart.  More specifically, it took me calling out to God during the fast for a closer walk with what His priorities were for my life that kick started the change.  Holy Spirit, being the gentleman that He is, threw me the life preserver I needed and, even better, tailor made it for me.  A made up mind focused first on His Word and His vision is a powerful force.  And a switch flipped.  I thought I wouldn't find the key to a better balanced life for me and I was right.  I couldn't find it on my own.  I believe in my heart of hearts that it was forged that day I asked for the help I needed from the only One who knows me better than I know myself.  He gave me steps I could be successful with that didn't involve gimmicks or fads; just focused intentionality.  I now have 9 daily goals for myself which have literally given me life and not a never-ending 'to do list' death sentence!   My weight is tracking in the right direction but even better than that is the clarity I am now the beneficiary of.  I want better in all aspects of my life--to "Be Best" to reference our First Lady.  No more settling for OK.  It's S.T.R.E.T.C.H.I.N.G time.  I want ALL that God has for me.  Matthew 6: 33 really is so true: But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you.
T-Minus 15 pounds and counting


  1. Wonderful, looking like a woman on a mission and doing it with the help of the Master🙏🏽

  2. Looking good Continue on your mission if you ask he will provide.

  3. Good for you! I've seen you walking past my house with your earphones on making it happen. Keep it up! 💖

    1. Thank you. I've even taken to reading while I walk sometimes. whatever works right?!


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