You ever have one of those days where things. just. flow?  The sun seems to shine on you no matter the situation or circumstance?  Well, that was today for me.  Dad and I partied all day long! There wasn't anything necessarily special or spectacular about what we did, but things were just in synch. And real.

We had a great breakfast and played good music.
Got in a walk in some beyoutiful weather and shared in some real talk about moving on to the next level.  According to Dad, when it's time to go, its time to go and no amount of crying or begging is gonna keep you here.  My response? So let's party until our time comes!  See, I truly believe that the abundant life Christ promised is the one I should be leading. Every day.  It doesn't matter if it's a day filled with laundry and cleaning (which is pretty much everyday ) or a day spent doing nothing at the beach. It's the inhale and exhale of life; both the 'being' AND the 'doing' that can elevate your existence if you can find the sweetness of ALL of it. James 1:12 says the one who perseveres under trial is blessed because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him.  Life on TOP of life? Abundant life here and eternal life? What an amazing gift!


  1. This is very good and will help a lot of people by giving them strength as a care giver or just having to be there for someone they love that's disabled thank God for the strength and bond that both of you have.

    1. Thank you so much! That is my hearts prayer that someone is uplifted and encouraged to do what you and I and so many others do out of love. Much love!

  2. Cuz, You are so inspirational. Be blessed!


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