Cruising with Dad- Day 4

All good things must eventually...transition into other good things.  As sad as I was to end the Disney cruise, I was equally happy to be reunited with my better half.  But between disembarking and reuniting there was more fun and favor to be had.  The Lord tapped me on my shoulder around 0530 to give me plenty of time to get Dad up and secure our final breakfast.  Sure, we had the option to head down to the dining room for a final off the menu meal with our wait staff but I opted for breakfast in our suite on our verandah.  It's not often I get to eat canned corned beef hash after all and what a salty treat that was! We exited our room at about 0745, said our final goodbyes to Lilis our hostess and headed down to the atrium.  Why hadn't I looked up all the other days I passed by the atrium?  What a beautiful piece of Dale Chihuly style red glass on the ceiling!  I've said it before but, the attention to detail on the Disney Wonder was just spectacular.
Once we made our way down the gangway we were directed to exactly where our luggage was.  You will not have any problems connecting with an eager porter waiting to give you a major hand with your luggage.  Have your passports handy and eat any fruit prior to leaving the ship.  Otherwise you will pass unmolested out the merry customs gates and out into the bright sunshine to find your car.  Porters will track right with you, load your bags, load your loved one and generally play the hero until you are ready to pull out.  My guy, $MrLuggage on CashApp, will even accept payment by phone.  How mod!

Dad and I were wiped but ready to make the final leg of our journey back home.  About two hours later I fell into the door and found this lovely note from my Honey Lamb.
I really couldn't have asked for more. We settled in for a bowl of cereal (which by Disney standards was pretty paltry but tasted darned good) and I did the thing that I hate to do but know I must do: UNPACK.  Where was my housekeeper Gladys when I needed her?! Lol.  You may agree or disagree but it's good advice I got a long time ago; unpack as soon as you get home or else you will resent your whole vacation.  Just get er done!  Laundry may or may not get done right away but at least the piles are separated and good to go.  I love that our church has our services streamed on YouTube so we could catch up with our worship:  Dad and I both were happy to be home and even happier to see Raymond that evening BUT it really was some kinda special to spend Daddy-Daughter time together on one of the most magical cruises ever!  Thank-you God for favor!


  1. I know you are already planning your next trip!!

  2. I wouldn't be me if I wasn't. I think the part of me that loves to wander comes straight from Dad.

  3. Glad you and Dad made it back safely and had a good time. Ok Dear Sylvia I'm ready I'm ready for the next trip 😃


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