Disney cruising with Dad- day 2

I truly believe that sometimes God taps you on the shoulder early in the morning to make sure you don't miss his majesty in action. It happened the first morning at sea.  My eyes popped open for seemingly no reason and I made my way to the balcony just in time to witness our ship glide into Nassau.  How a ship that size maneuvers with the precision it does is absolutely mind boggling!
Mind you, I really didn't get much sleep as Dad seemed convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was letting someone walk out the door with "stuff I might need" later.  He was quite perturbed about this lapse in judgement and spoke loudly about it half the night.  I do have a few tricks up my sleeve for an especially talkative roommate and eventually we both were able to get some rest. Nonetheless I felt like I'd gotten enough sleep around 8:00 am to get our day started.  It looked like half the ship had the same idea I had to grab an early breakfast.  The doors to the buffet were overrun with early birds planning to disembark in Nassau. I had no such plans so, I calmly made my way through the crowds and got coffee and headed back to the room to let the crowds die down.  This gave me plenty of time to drink my cup o joe and watch as we entered the port.  I got Dad up and dressed and made my way back to get breakfast.  What a nice feeling it was knowing we weren't going to disembark, rush around, buy things we don't need etc.  We literally chilled out on our huge balcony and enjoyed the space.
I so rarely do this (OK, I NEVER do this on a vacay) that it felt a bit strange.  But it also felt like the exact right thing to do.  Lets face it.  We'd packed so much into our first day that I knew over extending ourselves was NOT the answer to the quiz question, "how should I spend my vacation?"  We really indulged by taking a nap before dinner!
Triton's restaurant was our dining destination which is where we'd had soup and salad our first hour on board.  Our wait staff was well prepared for our arrival with chairs already pulled out and hot tea waiting.  Can I tell you that the main course of Chateaubriand should never be had anywhere except on a Disney cruise.  I am not kidding.  Best beef evah!
After dinner it was all about cruising around and enjoying the sights and sounds.  My miracle for the day? Finding ourselves seated in front row seats for the Disney show "Frozen" totally unexpectedly!  Like pretty much everything on a Disney cruise, the theater shows are a big deal.  And Dad really enjoyed the whole spectacle.  He asked me more than once, 'do they get paid for that?'
Bellies full and eyes full of wonder, we headed back for bed time totally jazzed about the whole evening.  But not before I got to walk off a few ounces and catch some night shots of the ship (oh yes, AND get in a bite of strawberry crepes at the night buffet.  Remember that Disney calories are magical!  Arrgh!)
Up next:  Day three of our cruise. Stay tuned!


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