Going, Going, Gone!

Three teeth.  That's it.  Just three teeth.  He's lived with these three teeth for what? 85 or so years?  No one wants to part with their O.D's (Old Dentals). But we had two days to decide what would be best in the long run for Dad's health and well being.  After consulting with the dentist and the oral surgeon on Monday, we decided to go for extraction of those three offending teeth.  I hated to have to make that call but, all of the evidence pointed to the fact that those three teeth were causing more trouble than they were worth. Any time my Pop Pop, who is tougher than pretty much anyone else I know, started questioning whether or not those three teeth should be allowed to complete the life journey with him then I knew it was time to put them on the chopping block.  Still, pulling the plug on teeth almost a century old made us pause.  But when you pray about something tough and you let God have it, you can sleep knowing that He will cover it.  And we all slept like babies the night before.   Our routine had to vary just a bit pre-surgery.  I made sure to pre-medicate Dad with a pain medicine one hour prior to the extraction that way he would be much less likely to punch the oral surgeon out!! LOL. For real. I am NOT playing.  I even warned the surgeon on consult day just so that I had MY bases covered. #Don'tSueUs. Lol.  Then you have to plan in bathroom time prior to getting in the hot seat to decrease any squirming.  I even brought my iPod and ear buds so that Dad's favorite jazz artists could see him through the ouchies since I couldn't be in the room.  Twenty seven minutes later the surgery was over and Dad was chillin like a villian; a bit bloodied from the battle but cool from the meds. Managing his pain means staying ahead of it.  New confusion or agitation could mean unmet pain control so, keep an eye out for changes in behavior.  We risked using a straw for hydration because that is the preferred way Dad drinks the most.  Oral surgeons poo poo straws for at least two days because there is always a risk of  dry socket.  BUT it's about making the best decisions you can based on your loved one and the bigger picture.  He was able to eat a soft diet of mashed potatoes, broccoli and feta cheese which he tore up.
We are going to take recovery one hour at a time and do the best we can.  You think the road to recovery will be smooth; in fact you pray that it will be.  But you're always looking out for the potholes. That's just how it works.   1Thessalonians gives me strength on both the smooth and bumpy roads.  It says, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."   So, no matter how Dad's recovery tracks, I am already thankful that we've made it this far!


  1. Awww...😞 Teeth & eating are important parts of an enjoyable life. Good luck to Pops on his recovery

    1. Thanks so much Eileen. Tooth removal really is a trauma to the body. He is trying to get used to the new empty spaces.


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