That nice man wants me to go with him...

Dad:  "hey!  Hey!!  HEY!!!
Syl:  What Dad?  Who are you yelling at? *a little exasperated*
Dad: That man over there!
Syl: Well, what does he want? (I used to say he wasn't there but, just because I don't see him...)
Dad:  He wants to take me with him.
Syl: Well, is he a nice man or a mean man?
Dad: He's real nice.
Syl: Do you want to go with him?
Dad: Yes
Dad: I don't got nowhere else to go!
Syl: You can stay here with us if you want to.
Dad: *something kinda garbled*
Syl: Did he say where he was taking you?
Dad: *long pause*. No he didn't
Syl: Well. I don't mind you going if you want to go but maybe you'd better find out where he's gonna take you.
Dad: You're right
Syl:  Once he tells you then you tell me OK?
Dad: OK.
Syl: Night Dad
Dad: Night honey


  1. Sometimes you have to go along with their perception to get you some peace of mind


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