Your Wellness Team

I was in the beauty shop recently and I overheard a mature woman telling the owner of the shop about her "wellness team".  My ears perked up. I was  intrigued.  Wellness team?  What is that exactly and do I already have one?  So, of course I asked this lovely woman what it was and who was on her 'team'.  She explained that she regularly visits a well curated group of specialists who see about her health and well being.  Her team consisted of an accupuncturist, a masseuse, a chiropractor, a medical doctor and a personal trainer.  OK.  Her enthusiasm was infectious.  OK.  We talked about a few things we had in common, exchanged phone numbers and went our separate ways.  Since meeting her I've come to acknowledge that I do have my own 'team' and I've decided it will look very different from here on out.  First person on my team will be God the Father for without Him, nothing I attempt to do will be possible.  I already know that He has my best interest at heart and will supply all of my needs.  Jesus comes next because I know He has and will continue to interceed for me when I mess up along the journey.  Next will be Holy Spirit who I am well convinced I cannot make it through the day successfully without.  He bolsters my resolve to make the hard choices to do the healthy thing over the harmful thing and He ALWAYS provides an exit door from temptation (He is such a gentleman!).  Then comes me, whom God has given a sound mind to--I just have to use what I already know is right for me.    Lastly, my husband who has been and will continue to be my biggest earthly  cheerleader encouraging me to keep at it.  He's a soft place to land when I get discouraged and down on myself.  In THAT order, my team is a hands down winner.  I am not subject to any competing agendas or conflicts with my team members.  There is constant consultation with my team; I don't have to make appointments, beg insurance to cover visits or poney up co-pays.  I have unlimited 24/7 access.  If I'm awake at 3 a.m. and need to talk to my team about a particular struggle?  BOOM, it happens.  All of the knowledge I need for healthy living is at my fingertips.  Activate your wellness team and live your best life!


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