Mentor, Mentee

A mentor-mentee relationship is a powerful coupling.  When there is a recognition by both parties that information deperately needs to be shared between two willing people the dynamic can be synergistic.  I have been blessed to have had some truly complimentary mentors along the way both in my personal and professional life.  Each one inspired, encouraged, challenged, sometimes admonished and always intrigued me.  There was integrity noted meaning that their public and private selves  appeared to be congruous.  Being able to submit to a trusted persons instruction is indeed humbling but brings nothing but good rewards.  As long as neither expects perfection out of the other a healthy conduit can be built.  Some of my relationships lasted relatively briefly or for a particular season of my life.  A few have lasted for decades which speaks volumes about the power of meaningful relationships.  In my faith walk and in leadership roles in the church I have decided that a Titus woman is who I hope to become as a mentor.  If you are not familiar with the attributes of a Titus elder woman, here they are from Titus 2: 3-5: Reverent in the way they live, not slanderers, not addicted to much wine, teachers of what is good.  Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.  Paul emphasizes Doing Good as an operating principle so that we reflect the character of Christ everywhere we go and in every interaction we have. I believe these aspirational goals are indeed attainable with Holy Spirit guiding our daily interactions.  Ladies, Google, YouTube and Pinterest haven't replaced us completely--yet!  Be one that is willing to pass on your hard won knowledge and experience to the generation following you in such a way that it pleases the Father who endowed you with the wisdom you have.  Amen and Amen.
Investing in Our Youngins


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