It is never easy to lose a substantial amount of weight especially when you have gotten "comfortable" carrying said weight around. I'm talking the amount equivalent to the weight of, oh, say, a first grader. Imagine carrying a first grader around with you everywhere you go. Hungry, sometimes moody but mainly just wanting to constantly cling to you. I'm talking 8 years or so of dragging around a first grader that I couldn't put down. More accurately, wasn't ready to let go of. But when I did finally make my mind up to change, guess who was right there with me as ready as I was?-my husband. What a nice surprise! As anyone knows whose tried to go it alone in a household of eaters it's a tough row to hoe. Having my Boo on the same path as I am means that there is no obstacle that we can't handle together, no temptation that we can't talk each other out of (or let each other cheat on without judgement). I am halfway to my goal and my homey has lost as much as I have. Some days it's been a struggle but other days it's been a joy because we're doing it together. We both realized that to enjoy our retirement fully and get ready for Kingdom work we needed to be in tip top shape. Ok, certainly not tip over shape. If that means eating less then, we'll do it. If that also means food exclusion then it's worth it. We are by no means fanatical about the changes we've made but we recognize that nothing good can be achieved without sacrifice. At 57 and 61 I guess it's about time to build up the temples we were assigned and entrusted with. We've got goals, long-term commitments to meet and sustain and we can't get there raggedy.
Ray so handsome in his slim suit |
You diffiently hit that on the head. It's Ssoo much easier when your spouse gets in shape with you. If we Worship together we can do all things together as 1
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to you and Ray...
Thanks Gina. Lifestyle changes, both good and not so good affect both spouses anyway. So why not make the trip together?! After all, we are one flesh. Thanks for the comment and thank you for reading!