Running Free in the Fields

Dad woke up chipper this morning as he does many mornings.  Typically I ask him how he's slept and  if he had any dreams. He says he ALWAYS dreams.  I loved his response today.  He said he was running free in a field with some other boys.  They were running ahead of him and he was trying to catch up but his clothes weren't right (this is where he lost me as he sometimes does🌝😏). He told me that he used to run so fast that his feet would actually hit him in the butt.  What I latched onto today was how he smiled when he said he ran free.  FREE! Freedom.  I cannot yet imagine what my life would be like mostly confined to chairs.  For me, right now, sitting for extended periods to read or craft  feels like an incredible luxury.  Sometimes, I just want to sit quietly on the porch and drink my coffee in the mornings.  But deep chair sitting doesn't happen too often.  I find myself up watering neglected plants or washing errant dishes which is exactly what I SHOULD be doing but not always what I WANT to be doing.  When I take a moment to look at life from Dad's perspective though,  sitting is confinement and not the choice he would make if he had other options.  So, in his honor I ran for part of my walking route this morning.  I didn't necessarily feel free nor did it make me smile but I did feel powerful and stronger than I expected to feel.  I pray Dad continues to find freedom in his dreams and even more joy in hie waking life.


  1. You are correct in saying that we must enjoy the freedom that life offers us on a daily basis. Freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want is a wonderful thing...cherish it.

  2. Beautifully written. I could practically picture his dream. Free is such a " Powerful "
    word. We take things for granted to easily. Confinement!!!


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