How's My Driving?"

I just finished my devotion for the evening and I was really intrigued by today's message.  In essence the author asked us to ask others, "How is my driving?"  You've probably seen those bumper stickers on the backs of commercial vehicles that ask that same question, then provide a toll-free number that drivers following that vehicle can call to comment on the competence of the driver.  Have you ever called?  I haven't.  But I wondered, 'what would happen if I put that same question on my car?'  Welp, some days I might get calls congratulating me for being so kind and considerate.  I take pride in the fact that I often allow folks to move in front of me if I see them stuck in a bad spot.   Other days, I'm sure folks would complain about my aggressive, goal oriented driving.  What if I put that question on my life?  If I simply checked in with family and friends on the regular to ask, 'How am I treating you?'  Could I handle the honest unfiltered answers? From most, yes I could listen objectively.  From some it might hurt my feelings too much.  But it could help me be more aware of my 'driving' which could help me grow in self-awareness.  And that, dear reader cannot be a bad thing.  In Colossians, Paul asks Christ followers to teach and admonish each other with all wisdom through psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit.  I think I might hear any criticism better if it came in the form of a psalm, hymn or song wouldn't you?   Lol.  You betcha.  So, if I get the courage to call you up to ask the question, please be gentle and let the Spirit guide you.


  1. Good topi c How's my driving. Hmm to be honest some of them I would get a B some a F. Food for thought. Gives me a reason to strive higher in all areas. God Bless


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