Take the Stairs

Dear reader, do you have a daily devotional book that you love?  I am currently being challenged by Charlotte Gambill's book, BREATHE: Inhale Truth-Exhale Life. 
I knew when I heard her speak at Life Church last July at our Women's Conference (shameless plug here:  Go to www.LifeChurchNow.cc and register for the 2019 conference titled "Flourish" July 18-20) that she would push my boundaries and challenge my comfort zones.  I was correct.  Her style is, 'in your face' real but done with humor and self-deprecating grace.  She does not ask more of you than God has asked of her and I am grateful that I took a chance on buying this book.  To say I got right into it from the beginning would be a misrepresentation.  Actually, I didn't like it at first because I didn't like where it was forcing me to go.  And now, I can't wait to see what word God has for me through Charlotte!  Today, she explored why taking the spiritual stairs in life is so much more impactful than taking the easier lift (she's British so...).  This inspired me to come up with my own list of reasons on why the spiritual staircase is the BEST option in life.  Here goes: Stairs are slow and methodical which allows you to move at your own and God's pace; If you want to go faster then you can run the stairs or if you need a break you can sit on a stair or the landing; You can exit the stairs on any floor you want to; Your quadriceps muscles get a work out on the way up and your hamstrings get the same work out on the way down so that's a win-win; You get stronger with each step up or down; Most people won't want to take the stairs with you which gives you some quiet time to commune with God; You could fall and get injured on the stairs so you have to pay attention and use the handy banister; You can have fun taking the stairs two by two or sliding down the banister; You can challenge a friend by seeing who can walk the most steps; Stairs are generally safer in an emergency; Stairs are often creatively crafted you you can enjoy your journey; You can easily move past those who are slower or choose to help them by walking along side of them; Stairs need little maintenance so they are rarely "out of order"; You tend to lose excess weight using the stairs and you don't usually carry more than is necessary; You gain valuable muscle; Stairs have switchbacks which allows you to see where you've been.
You can most likely think of many more reasons why disciplining yourself to get stronger by taking the slower tougher option would be the best way to go.  It's not really rocket science and in our microwave culture it may not be popular, but challenge yourself to let God work you out on the stairs.


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