Travel blogger for hire!

I know, I know. It seems silly.  But I can spend HOURS in a Conde' Nast Traveler magazine imagining myself in the beautiful places on the beautiful pages.   It's a bona fide FACT that imagining  and planning out a vacation can be just as relaxing as actually taking a vacation so, don't judge! Lol

I've circumnavigated the world oh, maybe a dozen times or so in my mind just for fun.  Shanghai, Marrakesh, Lisbon, Madrid, Cape Verde, Cape Town, Madagascar, Sydney then home to catch my breath.   Then back out to Lima, Panama city, Dakar, BudaPest, Istanbul, Bangkok, Seoul, Kyoto, Bali then back home to catch my breath.  Then...Oh, I'm just getting started!  I've got the perfect outfits for each place already in my closet.  I've got the love of God in my heart and the Holy Spirits protection and I can just feel the sun on my face in each city as I type this. I look forward to meeting some amazing people on the stoops of life, sharing a laugh, maybe a meal, hopefully the Gospel then moving on to the next hamlet.  In my mind I'm mostly travelling by train taking in the beauty and the strangeness of other landscapes.  But I'm on boats too, in the back of tap taps, possibly on a camel (once😏) but most assuredly on foot.  I'm not packing much; Just what will fit in a swank back pack and sensible but oh so cute shoes.  I'm thinking about buying two outfits in every city I visit and then leaving behind two for the hotel or hostel staff as I leave.  And I will most definitely be travel journalling each and every day I am abroad.  And you know what I'll be taking special notes on?  Accessibility for the disabled.  That's the basis for the queries I get asked now--people are starting to get excited about alternative places to go with their loved ones because of my excitement travelling with Dad.  Don't laugh dear reader.  I am believing that I have a future career as a travel blogger for the caregivers out there and their loved ones.  Oh wait, I already do that.  OK, I mean a 'paid to write' travel blogger career that would be of benefit to thousands upon thousands of potential travelers.  Believe it with me and lets see what God does!!


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