You Matter Too!

Lets just get down to it.  Have you taken care of yourself lately?  Some personal gesture that signals you are worth the same time and effort as the loved one you are caring for?  Does this sound harsh?  If so, then I'll bet you are being neglected by, well, YOU.  I know, I KNOW how selfish this will sound to many of you.  You couldn't possibly take time to see to your own needs let alone wants.  How would this look to those around you?  Family and friends that honestly? you feel just might be in the judgement seat about you as caregiver.  But.  Does it really matter what other people who aren't in your current position think?  What should be first and foremost in your considering mind is, 'what does God think?'  You lay down so much of your life to be a caregiver and that pleases God.  You honor your loved one by surrendering your will to His and that pleases God.  You do good deeds in places and spaces no one will ever see or know about without accolades and this pleases God.  God sees your heart and HE LOVES YOU no more or less than the person under your care.  So, be good to YOU so you can be good to others.  Make a list of those moments that bring you joy and then make those moments happen.  Be fully responsible for your being in this world.  And if you are lost and can't find your way back to yourself, stand still and ask our Father to remind you who you are in Him.  Here are just a few of the self care techniques members of our Caregivers Support Group mentioned:  1. Take naps
2.  Sit outside or take a walk.  3. Read something entertaining  4. Journal  5. Pray and complete a daily devotional.  6. Get a massage  7.  Dance  8.  Play games  9.  Talk to and hang out with your best friend.  10.  Plan a staycation in your bedroom.  What steals joy?  1. Binging on pretty much anything.  2. No prayer or praise life.  3. Monotony  4. Lack of sleep  5. Having no goal or purpose for your own life.  6.  Not staying in your lane.  7.  Over extending yourself  8.  Forsaking the assembly.  9.  Refusing to accept help  10.  Seeing yourself as a martyr.   Go get your Joy back dear reader and, when you do, make sure you anchor it in the Lord so it will never go away again.  YOU ARE LOVED!!  WALK IN THE FIERCE KNOWLEDGE OF IT!!!


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