You can never be completely sure when you meet someone new, say a complete stranger at a hospital, where that meeting will take the both of you. I don't believe in happenstance--only in divine intervention. That being said, we walk past good people all the time and may only offer them a smile and a nod and not much else. It can only be Holy Spirit that draws us towards a particular person or circumstance and says, 'daughter, step in here'. That was my situation recently. And that's typically my situation on "Syl's Big Adventure Day". It never fails that the Lord puts someone in my path that I am to interact with on more than a surface level and if I am obedient it is an amazing experience. I was blessed to meet a lovely lady from Columbia who happened to be at the same facility I was. I'd scored a $25 facial (which was delightful by the way) and was feeling pretty rejuvenated when I overheard her say she needed a ride to Publix. I was terrified for her immediately because from where we were the nearest Publix was across two very dangerous intersections. Tampa is basically Florida's version of the wild wild west in my opinion. Nobody looks out for pedestrians crossing 8 lanes of busy roads especially not older people. I saw flashes of her being mowed down on the evening news and I felt compelled to advise her against it. That led me to just sit down and chat her up which led me to taking her to Bealls outlet to shop which led me to take her home after exchanging information which will lead to...who knows? It felt good to be of service to someone who just needed a friendly encounter. I headed home thinking I just may have made a new friend. But it could be that I was just the right person at the right time for the right situation and that's that. Every circumstance tells me that obedience is better than sacrifice and that Angels may be anywhere.
At lunch weeks later🌝 |
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I love this Sylvia!!! Thank you for sharing your adventures with us!!! I miss you! ❤️