
We are charting new waters Raymond and I.  We have never been here before: focused solely on God, us and family.  Honestly, I AM TERRIFIED.  Ok, that's a bit dramatic but it does feel like swimming in murky water.  We are experiencing the "empty nest syndrome" that no one really talks about right?  It's not like we can just show up at the dorm room of the loved one that's moved out or helicopter text them into utter annoyance.  Our loved one left and they aren't coming home with a bag full of dirty laundry and an empty stomach.  We have blank calendar days now and it feels disconcerting to see assignments that were once vitally important simply gone.  I walk by Dads room and half expect to see some seemingly mundane task waiting for me that I have to get done.  But nope.  There is no use for me in there anymore.  I think when we experience emptiness the natural inclination is to fill it up with SOMETHING so as not to freak out a little bit inside.  You think about creating a new routine now and it scares you just a little.  Will I do anything as important as what I just did?  Can he and I create something new, something dynamic just the two of us?  This is where I cue in my quiet time with my husband and Holy Spirit.  We will find our purpose in these uncharted murky waters only as we sit together and listen for the whisper that can move mountains.  We have a calling as a couple that we have yet to embrace so we need to get about the business of rebuilding our lives in this new space.  My desire is for our next chapter to be one of Kingdom building that God can be proud of.  Our calendar will fill up again but I want the appointments to be as vitally important as they were before.   Get ready dear reader; the Dynamic Duo is being reimagined!


  1. Rest! And know that God takes care (and rewards) those He entrusts to take care of His love ones. His Word in Matthew reminds us of our calling to be compassionate for the least of these. What He has demonstrated through your and Raymond's love for Dad will encourage someone that's not sure of their journey. It is His Love that will see you through and over greater mountains to even greater blessings. Proud of you and even during this Rest, happy for you..

  2. Keep your mind on Jesus as I already know you will. God has plans for you two.

  3. It took me a long time to realize that I’m still going through that phase, auntie.

  4. You and Ray are highly Favored and Blessed. The Lord will become your new calander in your new journeys of life. Love you guys Dearly. Enjoy your new chapter together and continue celebrating your life as you always have letting your Holy spirit guide you both.
    Love Gina

  5. Dear Sylvia,

    Here is a word from the late great Myles Munroe. I pray that it will bless you as it did me!

    I welcome your thoughts.

    Your friend and Sister in Christ,

    Sharon Comer Weatherspoon
    P.S. What was Dad's name?


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