If we aren't killed as a result of a seemingly freak accident, how will we know when it's time to exit stage left? For the saints of God I believe there will be a foreshadowing of the inevitable. A brief time or a season when you get to have a presence in both realms. One place was only ever your temporary home but it is the only home your flesh knows. And the other home is the one your soul has been dreaming to return to but may feel a tad unsure about. For almost a year, my Dad has been dropping me lots of hints that he knows this world is getting stale for him. He's been talking to his deceased brother (Tootsie) quite often and calling for his Mom at night. Just like a good dad would, he has been preparing us for his time to fly away home by saying things like, "it won't be long now" and, "do you think I'll get to see my brother on the other side?" At first I felt sorrow when he would want to talk about the next phase. I'd typi...
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