A Family Love Supreme

Family reunions are a magical time for many to put aside the cares and concerns of work life, hustle and bustle of the day to day
The family that prays together...

Ray and Dad, two married ins

Vic and Lisa, our adoptees
and just settle in to the warmth and love of our origin story.  It is truly a work of art melding and blending together all of the nuclear families, avowed singles, grands and great grands that then crescendos into this large amalgam of love and concern.  Many of us go at least a year before we see each other but that doesn't matter.  Many of us still may not know all of the names and relationship ties we have but that doesn't matter either.  I'll bet we've had non family members sneak in without question encouraged to get a plate of food and join in the festivities.  It's a high time in the life of a family as large and gregarious as mine and I try not to take for granted the memories that are cemented in yearly.  In fact, I take so many pictures of incidental gatherings of cousins that my phone must be purged prior to and after each reunion such is the memory that is gobbled up on my SD card.  We even have adopted family members (what's up Lisa and Vic!) that come more faithfully than blood relatives.  You really cannot over emphasize the importance of coming together reunion style to share in each others triumphs and tragedies.  Facebook is great for generally keeping in touch but nothing beats hanging on the neck of a loved one or being able to lay hands on them at a time when prayers can heal hearts and beat back cancers.  This year marked the 100th anniversary of the union that brought together the Thomas and Elder clans in Green county Georgia.  We had a custom made logo with tee shirts, greetings from Atlanta's mayor and souvenir bags from the last Superbowl played at the Mercedes Benz field.  Where else can you go to be celebrated like princes and princesses?  Feted for serving our country or living the longest?  Who else cares that your family has unique talents and abilities passed down for generations?  And lets face it; we look goood when we all dress alike! Lol. 
Cousin love

Kate is 99!

LRC winner

Praying for Clarence


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