Starting over from scratch is a daunting task I must say. Especially when it appeared that you had it all together then, for reasons unknown things just didn't work out. You thought you were thriving and then poof, you're not. And its' really frustrating when the person standing RIGHT NEXT TO YOU appears to be soooo much better off. How easy would it be to be envious and jealous of someone else thriving while you struggle and wait?! This has been the experience of my two jasmine bushes I purchased for my front yard. At first they were only about a foot and a half apart stuck in their plastic big box store pots (for admittedly waaaay too long). I dutifully planted everything else except those two bushes. I guess I wanted to be sure they would thrive where I wanted them. One got half day sun and the other only a couple of hours. The larger more luxurious bush, which got a bit less sun, began to fade and falter. I watched that thing for weeks as it slowly went from beautiful to barren. I watered it, moved it around, picked it up and polished it up but nothing that I did seemed to make a difference. The other bush seemed to maintain its status quo quite well despite his brothers seeming demise. Finally I thought well, 'just plant them and see what happens.' So, little sad sack got a last minute reprieve and I FINALLY planted both bushes in proper pots. I didn't hold out much hope for sad sack but I potted his dry bones anyway, watered it and placed it in full sun. I watered that dead looking thing for about 4 days. Walked by it on day five and what do you know? There were tiny beautiful green leaves growing on what looked like a dead stalk!! We both stared in amazement because for WEEKS that thing looked D.E.A.D. It even had this little death rattle as the wind rustled the dry golden leaves. I say all this to say this: be careful not to count a living thing out that appears to be down for the count. As my Dad wisely says, "Not every closed eye is asleep". New growth can appear on old wood with the right environment supporting and nurturing it. Why wasn't it supported and nurtured in the first place? The owner was frankly too lazy. It's funny how often we neglect things and then expect a miracle to occur to revive the situation. One bush managed to thrive even though it was just as neglected but one had to be broken completely down before it could rise from the ashes. It's a great lesson for me to: 1. Not envy someone elses' journey-mine is unique for a reason 2. Never give up on someone even if they appear dry and lifeless; their potential is just lying dormant. 3. Do the right thing from the beginning so as not to resort to heroics later. 4. Sunshine, water and room to grow are beneficial to every living thing. 5. Don't be so quick to throw something out before you fully understand what makes it flourish. Newness is possible in anyone.
Little Sad Sack Making a Comeback! |
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