Mindfulness Vs. Mindlessness

Dear reader, I recently found myself mindlessly watching something on T.V. that disquieted my spirit;  this was NOT a good feeling.  In fact, this disquiet lasted from Saturday until Sunday morning when I got the chance to leave that grievance at the altar.  It was a negative meme planted that had me shook more that I'd cared to admit.  There are so many disruptive forces on the airwaves and screens we use daily that we sometimes don't recognize them as such.  But when it becomes obvious that the Spirit within you has been grieved by something you've chosen to mindlessly let in, it is NOT a good feeling.  I felt David's cry to God that petitioned Him to allow His Spirit to remain even through his travails.   So I've made a few decisions that I expect will bear fruit in the coming months.  I have decided to forgo hours and hours of television watching and repurpose those hours for other more meaningful pursuits.  We have 7 televisions in our home so escaping T.V. is quite the challenge.   So far, they don't turn themselves on so I am still in control.  But screens are E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E.!  In the mornings I take a bit of a break by reading an actual paper magazine.  Too much screen time for me tends to be overwhelming and under nourishing.  I need to feed on more substance than I am seeing come out of the television at the moment.  So, here's what I've done:  I am increasing my journal time;  I had gotten away from my gratitude and intercessory prayer journal for no good reason.  Oh, how I missed my journal without fully realizing it!  It was interesting to look back through and remind myself of God's faithfulness.  I listen to more music on my old-school iPod.  I LOVE music.  Why in the world did I let that slide?  I am communicating more with young people.  YES, its mainly via my phone but there are some good reasons to bend the  "screen time" rules.  I am singing and dancing more.  Again, why did this slide?  I am reading more.  True, it has been on my Kindle but I've purchased half a dozen physical books as well to increase my library.  I am becoming more mindful and less mindless.  If it doesn't feed me, I won't take it in and later try to justify why it didn't digest well. 


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