
Showing posts from July, 2019

Starting over

Starting over from scratch is a daunting task I must say.  Especially when it appeared that you had it all together then, for reasons unknown things just didn't work out.  You thought you were thriving and then poof, you're not.  And its' really frustrating when the person standing RIGHT NEXT TO YOU appears to be soooo much better off.  How easy would it be to be envious and jealous of someone else thriving while you struggle and wait?!  This has been the experience of my two jasmine bushes I purchased for my front yard.  At first they were only about a foot and a half apart stuck in their plastic big box store pots (for admittedly waaaay too long).  I dutifully planted everything else except those two bushes.  I guess I wanted to be sure they would thrive where I wanted them. One got half day sun and the other only a couple of hours.  The larger more luxurious bush, which got a bit less sun, began to fade and falter.  I watched that thi...

Mindfulness Vs. Mindlessness

Dear reader, I recently found myself mindlessly watching something on T.V. that disquieted my spirit;  this was NOT a good feeling.  In fact, this disquiet lasted from Saturday until Sunday morning when I got the chance to leave that grievance at the altar.  It was a negative meme planted that had me shook more that I'd cared to admit.  There are so many disruptive forces on the airwaves and screens we use daily that we sometimes don't recognize them as such.  But when it becomes obvious that the Spirit within you has been grieved by something you've chosen to mindlessly let in, it is NOT a good feeling.  I felt David's cry to God that petitioned Him to allow His Spirit to remain even through his travails.   So I've made a few decisions that I expect will bear fruit in the coming months.  I have decided to forgo hours and hours of television watching and repurpose those hours for other more meaningful pursuits.  We have 7 televisions in ...